The Light in Balintubber Abbey, Ireland
As a teacher of photography I have several goals: to ensure that my students become technically competent as image makers regardless of camera and materials used or individual approach to subject matter chosen. My further goal is to inspire students to discover for themselves the creative potential of photography.
A meaningful photograph is not a photo of something but is something in itself. A photograph that is only subject matter is seen and quickly reduced to a memory of the chosen subject. A meaningful photograph is so much more. As with a meditative experience, there is no end to its possible depth. Not only is such a photograph an interpretation of the light that falls on the original subject matter, it is also a magical combination of that quality of light and a delicate balance achieved by light and dark areas in the image.
Perhaps there exists an ancient formula for the proportions of light and dark areas within a print required to evoke in the viewer a profound depth of meaning. As with other forms of art through the ages, photography can connect us with this deeper meaning. Each of us seeks a direction in life without knowing the final destination. As artists and seekers we are drawn by a creative force to the Light within and so begin our life’s journey.