The Thrill of Discovery

I would like to tell you about an incredible trip I am on.  It isn't often that I get to travel to a completely new location, since I lead tours to so many of my favorites, so I'm truly excited to be on my way to Greenland.  I arrived last night at the airport in Keflavik, Iceland which is the jumping off point for flights to Greenland.  I went directly to my hotel which this time is just a few miles from the airport.  But this morning I am totally refreshed simply by opening the curtains in my room and looking out at peaceful water, mountains and sky all seeming to merge in soft shades of gray and white. This is but one aspect of the land of fire and ice and gives you a sense of why I love to come to Iceland in any season. 

The Flight to Kulusuk airport in the eastern part of Greenland is only an hour and fifteen minutes.  I tell you this because of the amazing fact that we arrive in Greenland 45 minutes before we even leave Iceland.  That is the beauty of time change around the globe.  Where else do you gain time like that!  That extra 45 minutes may have not seemed like much, but it was enough to give us all afternoon to have our minds blown away by icebergs as tall as apartment buildings and glaciers that seem to go on for miles.

We arrived in the town of Tasiilaq at about 5 p.m. hungry and tired.  Why do all photographers seem hungry all the time?  It must be the creative process.  Well, our appetites can't go too far in a town that has a post office and a super market … the end.  But the isolation has encouraged the local people to continue living off the ocean just as they have for centuries. 

As I write this, morning has dawned, and now from my bedroom window my view is of an iceberg that apparently floated across the small bay during the night and into sight of my lens.  The day may be overcast, but beginning at 9:00 we will be going out in search of more icebergs and exploring the coast of the inlet.  There is nothing like stretching your legs after traveling so far!